Dude, you, in addition to omitting other passages said by Albert Pike, the one you quoted is completely out of context. He only quoted four lines.

Even when he quoted part of this quote out of context, he added his own interpretations, trying to say that Alberto Pike was "taking people to God". (Laughter).

Are you one of those who think that just by seeing someone say "God", you already think that everything is "right" (laughs... It's a lot of naivety and lack of knowledge. If you don't know, the name of the Creator is not "God". Do you happen to know which "god" Masonic occultism worships?!

Why didn't you quote other lines from Albert Pike about Lucifer, where he clearly says the opposite of what you tried to interpret?!

And it wasn't just Pike who talked about Lucifer in the Masonic world, right?!

Furthermore, this little talk about Lucifer being a "bringer of light", "morning star", "which comes from Latin", and bla bla blah, I'm already tired of hearing from people who want to try to "soften" things in the eyes of who doesn't really understand the thing.

Anyway. The role you played here was ridiculous, omitting quotes, citing only "Morals and dogmas", mixing quotes out of context with your words... Pathetic!

And you still have the stupidity to say that this is "the truth" about the subject?!

Be ashamed of yourself!

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Your comment is completely charged with emotional & personal attacks.

I’m happy to engage when you focus on the premise, argument and conclusion without personal judgement or attacks.

However, if you want to engage on this topic be prepared that you won’t win.

If you actually read the article properly, you would have seen that the explanation I provided actually came from Ill. Arturo De Hoyos 33° GCH who is America’s foremost expert on Freemasonry, the Grand Archivist and Grand Historian and a full Member of the of the Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction.

Go back and read it, drop the emotion, drop the personal attacks.

Clearly your behaviour either proves you are not a Mason, or if you are, you are not one in your heart. Either way, is demonstrates that you have no authority on what Pike did or didn’t say, meant or didn’t mean.

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Hi Lufti,

I’m not well enough educated on Islam to be able to offer a thorough explanation, but I will do my best.

Where most of the Christian elements come, such as this Albert Pike and Lucifer thing, in is in the Scottish Rite which is a Christian order.

But the views and misconceptions are then applied incorrectly to the Craft.

Sure even though some of the AASR in more recent times have been secularised and there are “universal” chapters that have removed the Christian elements, it’s still at its foundation a Christian order.

But, in terms of reconciling Islam and Craft Freemasonry -

From Wikipedia:

“The Quran states that several prior writings constitute holy books given by God to the prophets and messengers amongst the Children of Israel, in the same way the Quran was revealed to Muhammad. These include the Tawrat (Torah/Old Testament), believed by Muslims to have been given by God to the prophets and messengers amongst the Children of Israel, the Zabur (used in reference to the Psalms)[1] revealed to David (Dawud); and the Injil revealed to Jesus (Isa).”

So how I interpret this, is because the Old Testament which the Craft degrees is based on, is by the Quaran defined to be a Holy Book, it makes Islam and Craft Masonry compatible.

I would encourage you to view the teaching of the Craft through the lens do the Quaran.

But it sounds like an article I should consider to offer some interpretation.

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Darren brother, I had a hard time understanding the concepts as a Muslim, I always thought of the lucifer issue you mentioned as an allegory in freemasonry. Don't such concepts of Christian beliefs, especially the excessive references to the bible ...uh I don't know, localize freemasonry a bit?

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