The Comments Section: New Segment in Daily Masonic Progress
I am launching a new segment!
But first, some context - when I launched the Daily Masonic Progress podcast earlier this year, I made it a video podcast as well. So all episodes are recorded in front of a camera, where the audio is then posted as a Podcast and the Video to YouTube.
An essential part of YouTube is the comments section on each video. This allows the public to leave a comment and also respond to other comments.
It can be a great public square, but also pretty toxic.
Rather than not engaging with the negative comments— I believe we must dispel darkness and correct the misconceptions of Freemasonry within the public sphere.
Now, naturally, there is the argument that neither myself nor any mason, let alone the 33rd Degree Sovereign Grand Commander of the AASR change any of the commenter’s minds which have been hardened and closed from misinformation.
But, this view negates a very powerful element of the internet.
See, it’s our opportunity to put Masonic Light out there and provide the correct information, not for these people who won’t change their mind; but for those who are genuinely seeking and trying to find out if Masonry is for them.
The way the internet works is that it will surface to those seeking information, about what they are after. YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google itself.
If we let the internet be filled with trash, never respond, and we never get to set the record straight for everyone else to see, then we let darkness win. We give truth to that trash and it then pollutes people’s minds who are genuinely seeking our light.
So I am going to introduce a new segment to Daily Masonic Progress, called The Comments Section. It’s where I post a comment from a YouTube video and my response— it may be someone else’s response or it could be a whole conversation.
I think this will be fun.. PS- Subscribe to my YouTube channel pls
This comment is titled:
Leave the cult and follow the true light!
John 14:6 KJV" Jesus said unto him,I am the way,the truth and the life. No man can cometh to The Father, but by me.
"Well there you have it Christ is the truth! Kind of keeping an eye on the comments and I know what type of oath you had to took so kind of understanding your fear.
However John 8:36 is your ticket out but of course free will is given to you as well!
Leave the cult and follow the true light!
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth be free!
Here is my response, but for your benefit I’ve added in-context explainers within [context]
You know what type of Oath I took, really which one?
What fear do I have?
Let's set the record straight because you have no understanding or comprehension about our obligations or "oaths".
So sit down, school is in session.
Firstly, what is in the "oath" I took?
Well, it's not to reveal the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry to anyone unless they have become a Mason in the same way I did.
Now, this must raise a question of what are the secrets and mysteries that I promised to withhold. Let's answer that shall we?
The secrets are how we recognise each other as Masons, the "secret handshake" for example. That's the secret, that's exactly what they are [recognition].
Now what about the mysteries?
These are the 'spoilers' in our ceremonies, the things that if you knew them beforehand, it wouldn't make the experience special. Let me give you an example of a 'mystery' in modern culture.
[if you haven’t watched Avengers Endgame, I am about to spoil it completely - skip the italics]
Tony Stark aka Ironman puts on the Infinity Gauntlet and snaps his fingers to permanently kill Thanos (by erasing him from existence) and save the entire universe, but then dies from his wounds of the battle in Avengers Endgame, then Captain America uses the pim particles to travel back through time to restore all the infinity stones and undo all of thano's efforts, but he doesn't return to normal time.
Instead, he returns to his original time after being frozen and lives in Secrecy with his wife-- He dies of old age in the modern day after handing over the shield to the Falcon.
If you haven't seen all of the Avengers movies up until Endgage, well sucks to be you, because now I just revealed the mystery of the entire series.
So naturally you will probably have an issue with "Secrets".
Well here is a fun fact for you. Your password to your Google account that allows you to access YouTube, that's secret, isn't it? It’s only known by You and Google and it’s how you prove to Google who you are [Username and Password is how to recognise users].
Here is another secret, have you ever bought anything online with your credit card?
Well, you've got to hope that your credit card details were put into an encrypted form and transmitted over an encrypted connection otherwise, they would improperly become known and people could just steal your credit card details.
But do you know how encryption works?
Encryption only works because the sender and the receiver both share a "secret" which allows them to identify [or recognise] each other as legitimate and can then decrypt your details so the transaction can be approved.
So "secrets" aren't what you think they are.
Now I want to circle back to the "oath" because this is one people really get wrong and misquote Matthew 5:33-35 because they don't understand it.
Oh, this brings up another point actually, Matthew 13:13-16 -- Jesus tells his Disciples he speaks in parables because he is communicating secret knowledge that the people don't understand, but only his disciples do.
I raise this because it points out that his believers, you, don't understand what he has said. But it also highlights that Jesus considered his Disciples worthy of the Secret knowledge.
But it's also why you misquote Matthew 5:33-35 about the "oath" - you don't understand it.
In the Catechism of the Council of Trent [Catholic Church catechism], oaths are permitted as long as they call God to witness an action or the keeping of a vow.
[yes, quite ironic that the Catholic Church claims Masonry’s incompatibility over “oaths” and “secrecy” but themselves permit them - oh well.]
Here is another example, the College of Cardinals all take an Oath of Secrecy and lock themselves in a secret meeting that only members of the College of Cardinals can attend to elect a new Pope.
But let's examine the words of a "Masonic Oath" shall we?
"I [insert full name] in the presence of, The Great Architect of the Universe and of this..."
You get the point, but what are the keywords here?
"In the presence of" - so why would God be present, well it’s not to swear by him, it’s so he is present to witness you making this promise and to be ever-present in you keeping your vow of secrecy. [also, Priests take a vow of Secrecy of Confession]
I've explained what that vow of secrecy is previously in this comment, so you should know what that is and isn't.
So now I am on a roll.
Let's examine John 14:6 to Freemasonry and Masonic teachings.
[before I do, I must preface this, in our private contemplation, we should be considering what Freemasonry teaches us, its symbols and allegories within our individual faiths— so as a Christian, this is my personal interpretation of how these masonic elements apply to me]
"I am the way"
-- Well in the First Degree, you are advancing towards the East (light), you are following the way and being led to Light.
"I am the truth" and "I am the light"
-- From the First Degree again: "What is the predominant wish of your heart--- light"... "Let me beg you to obverse that Light was ever the object of attainment in all ancient mysteries, it was then as it is now a symbol of truth & knowledge, a fact which we must never lose sight of when we consider the nature and significance of Masonic light".
Freemasonry here is directing the individual towards Light and Truth, Freemasonry is directing the Mason [who is Christian] to Jesus through the Holy Bible [his individual Volume of Sacred Law].
[For Brethren of other faiths, Freemasonry states that the Volume of Sacred Law, your, Volume of Sacred Law is the authority of Truth & Knowledge— it’s how Freemasonry can have religious elements without being a religion. It doesn’t claim to be an authority or speak on behalf of an authority — it directs you towards your authority on religious matters]
Freemasonry doesn't deny Christ as you claim, [see this article for further explanation] it rather through a veil proclaims him as the "Great Light" [again, personal Christian interpretation of Masonic symbolism relative to my own faith]
Now, don't try to rebuke me.
For for what I tell you is the truth whether you believe it or not.
🔔 - Well it’s 2.45pm on Friday, School is out for the Week. Class Dismissed.