When did you last truly see someone for who they are, beyond the trappings of their worldly position?
In our modern world of carefully curated social media personas and manicured public images, we often forget a fundamental truth that Freemasonry has long taught: authentic human connection can only occur when we meet each other as equals in spirit.
In the stonemason's craft, the Level serves as both a practical tool and a profound teacher. Like the master craftsman who uses this instrument to ensure his work stands true, Freemasonry offers us time-tested wisdom for building genuine relationships on the foundation of human equality.
In this edition of Daily Masonic Progress, I will share three transformative insights from our ancient craft:
First, we'll explore how the Level reveals profound truths about human equality.
Second, we'll examine how the Masonic practice of meeting on the Level transforms relationships.
Finally, we'll uncover practical ways to apply this wisdom beyond the lodge room.
Yet before we can fully grasp these transformative teachings, we must first confront a crucial question:
In an age where worth is increasingly measured by social media metrics and material success, what barriers prevent us from meeting one another as equals?
For an operative stone mason, even a slight deviation from level ground can compromise an entire structure. Similarly, in our relationships today, subtle inequalities can undermine our connections in ways we might not immediately recognize.
The modern world presents unique challenges to meeting on the Level. Like an ancient craftsman faced with uneven ground, we must first understand these obstacles before we can properly address them. Three particular challenges merit our careful attention:
The Illusion of Digital Distinction
Just as a false level might deceive the eye while leading to unstable construction, today's social media landscape creates illusory hierarchies that destabilize authentic connection. We construct elaborate digital personas - carefully selected vacation photos, meticulously staged family portraits, calculated career achievements - that serve as modern substitutes for true character.
These curated narratives don't just mask our authentic selves; they create artificial elevations and depressions in our social landscape. We find ourselves constantly measuring our worth against these manufactured standards, forgetting that, like the master craftsman's Level, nature herself demonstrates that such distinctions are artificial. The morning sun rises with equal brilliance on both the modest apartment and the luxury penthouse.
The Weight of Worldly Distinctions
Within our lodges, Freemasons experience the profound truth that authentic brotherhood requires us to set aside outer markers of status. Yet in daily life, we often allow these same distinctions - job titles, material possessions, social status - to create uneven ground in our relationships.
Consider how we might subtly adjust our behavior when speaking with someone of perceived higher or lower social status. These unconscious adjustments are like small deviations from true level - barely noticeable at first, but ultimately preventing the construction of genuine connection.
The Fear of Equal Ground
Perhaps most challenging is our own resistance to meeting others as equals. To truly meet on the Level requires vulnerability - a willingness to be seen without the protective scaffolding of social status or material success. Like the apprentice mason who must learn to trust his tools, we must develop confidence in this fundamental principle: that human dignity transcends all outer circumstances.
This resistance often manifests in subtle ways. We might maintain careful distance in our relationships, staying safely elevated or comfortably subordinate, rather than risking the vulnerability of equal ground. Yet Masonic wisdom teaches that true brotherhood can only exist between equals - not in worldly status, but in mutual respect and dignity.
Having recognized these challenges to authentic connection, how might we apply the wisdom of our craft to overcome them?
Within the ancient craft of Freemasonry, each working tool reveals profound truths about human nature and personal development. The Level, in particular, offers three fundamental principles that, when properly understood and applied, transform how we relate to one another.
The Architecture of Equality
In operative masonry, the Level reveals true horizontal alignment - a state where no point stands higher or lower than another. This simple yet profound function teaches us about the natural equality that exists among all people.
Consider how the Level works: it doesn't force alignment through external pressure, but rather reveals what is already true. Similarly, Masonic teachings don't attempt to artificially equalize all aspects of human life - instead, they help us recognize the inherent dignity that exists in every person regardless of external circumstances.
Within our lodges, this principle manifests in powerful ways. When entering these sacred spaces, members set aside outer distinctions of wealth and rank. This practice isn't about denying the reality of different talents, abilities, or achievements. Rather, it acknowledges that beneath these surface variations lies a deeper truth: we are all subject to the same human condition, sharing common hopes, fears, and ultimate destiny.
Meeting on Common Ground
The Masonic practice of "meeting on the Level" extends far beyond physical posture. It describes a state of mind - an approach to human interaction that recognizes our shared humanity before acknowledging our differences.
This principle teaches us to begin every interaction from a place of fundamental respect. Just as the craftsman must establish level ground before beginning construction, we must approach relationships from a foundation of mutual dignity. Only then can authentic connection emerge.
Within the lodge, this practice creates profound moments of genuine brotherhood between members who might never connect in the outside world. The CEO and the tradesman, the judge and the clerk - all meet as equals, demonstrating how authentic relationships become possible when we strip away artificial barriers.
The Master's Journey
Perhaps most significantly, the Level teaches us about personal transformation. Every Master Mason learns that true mastery isn't about elevating oneself above others, but about finding solid, level ground upon which to build genuine connections.
This journey involves three key realizations:
Recognition that external distinctions, while relevant to social function, don't define human worth
Understanding that authentic relationships require equal dignity between parties
Acceptance that death, the great leveler, ultimately renders worldly distinctions meaningless
These insights don't diminish the value of personal achievement or the reality of social structures. Instead, they provide a broader perspective that allows us to navigate these aspects of life while maintaining awareness of our fundamental equality.
Having established these core principles, how might we actively apply them to transform our relationships in today's world?
As operative masons transform rough stone into perfect ashlars, so too must we carefully shape our approach to relationships using the wisdom of the Level. Let us explore how to implement these ancient principles in our daily interactions.
The Practice of True Level
Just as the craftsman must regularly check his work against the Level, we too must consistently examine our relationships for subtle inequalities. This practice requires both vigilance and humility.
Begin by observing your own reactions to others. Do you speak differently to the service worker than to the executive? Does your posture change when addressing someone of perceived higher or lower status? These subtle adjustments are like small deviations from true level - barely noticeable at first, but ultimately preventing authentic connection.
The solution lies in conscious practice. Before each interaction, imagine yourself entering the lodge, where all meet upon the Level. This mental preparation helps strip away artificial barriers, allowing genuine connection to emerge.
Building on Equal Ground
Within our lodges, we experience how setting aside worldly distinctions creates profound moments of authentic brotherhood. This same principle can transform our daily relationships when properly applied.
Consider three practical applications:
Begin each interaction by seeking common ground rather than establishing relative position
Listen with equal attention regardless of the speaker's social status
Share your own vulnerabilities to create genuine connection
Remember: just as the Level doesn't eliminate differences in height but rather reveals true horizontal alignment, these practices don't deny natural differences in ability or achievement. Instead, they create the foundation of mutual respect upon which authentic relationships can be built.
The Enduring Structure
The ultimate test of a mason's work is time. Similarly, relationships built upon the Level's wisdom demonstrate their strength through endurance and depth.
When we consistently apply these principles, some transformations naturally occur:
Artificial barriers dissolve, replaced by genuine understanding
Relationships deepen beyond surface-level interactions
True brotherhood emerges, transcending social boundaries
Most importantly, we begin to experience what Freemasons have long understood: that authentic connection becomes possible only when we meet each other as equals in spirit.
Let us reflect on the profound architectural truth it reveals: no lasting structure can be built on uneven ground. In the same way, no authentic relationship can flourish where artificial barriers create false elevations between souls.
Building on Level Ground
The Level's lesson extends far beyond the lodge room. Like the master craftsman who uses this humble tool to ensure his work stands true, we too must regularly check our interactions against this standard of fundamental equality. Our modern world, with its endless hierarchies and carefully curated personas, often obscures this essential truth. Yet the sun continues its daily testimony, shining with equal brilliance upon all it touches, reminding us of nature's own lesson in equality.
Consider how this ancient wisdom might transform your own relationships:
When you encounter someone of apparent higher status, remember that all earthly distinctions are temporary. In the presence of one who seems less fortunate, recall that true worth lies in character rather than circumstance. In every interaction, consciously choose to meet upon the Level, creating space for authentic connection to emerge.
The practice is simple, though not always easy:
Begin each interaction from a place of fundamental respect
Listen with equal attention to all voices
Remember that death, the great leveler, renders all external distinctions meaningless
This is the transformative power of meeting upon the Level and parting upon the Square - a practice that not only changes our relationships but reshapes our very understanding of human worth.
As you leave this reflection, carry with you this final truth: In a world increasingly divided by artificial distinctions, the ancient wisdom of the Level offers a path back to authentic human connection. Each time we choose to meet another as an equal in spirit, we lay one more stone in the foundation of genuine brotherhood.
May your journey forward be guided by this timeless wisdom, as you build relationships that, like the craftsman's finest work, stand the test of time.
A wonderful article & a valid primer to motivate some introspection. An internal prompt for the lessons of the level involve tempering any hubris attached to one’s sense of status & self-worth to be able to meet on the level. Also, checking one’s self to not become ‘star struck’ when speaking to a genuine, respected leader, almost subtly demanding the quality of the level in them when communicating with you.
A beautiful unspoken reciprocation of mutual respect, as equals.